Technical analyst are using the moving average prices of historical stock prices to analyze the long term trends. They are using two techniques first if 50-day moving average is above the 200 day moving average line that is an indicator of the bullish market inverse is true for bearish market. Secondly, if stock prices go above the moving average line accompanied by the volume increas, this is a bullish indicator.
We are using 200 day and 50 day moving average for on a 3 years prices chart. You can use shorter moving average depending on your analysis period.

The chicago board options exchange(CBOE) Put/Call Ratio is used by technicians. A high put/call ratio indicates a bearish indicator for technicians. pubslishes this ratio with additional comment.
Source: Investment Anylsis and portfolio managment, Reilly&Brown,7th edition, page 633, 639
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