Monday, November 26, 2007

The Rule of Multiple Techniques

Technical analysis is more about probabilities. There is no indicator which always gives 100% correct signals. Therefore it is better to watch for confirmion of each indicator signal by other indicators. Arthur Sklarew decribes this in his book "Techniques of professional chart analysist" in the following way.

"Technicians know very well that the price chart analysis is not an exact science. No single chart technique yet discovered is infallible. Despite this lack of perfection, price chart analysis can very often give reliable forecasts of trend direction... ...Confirmation is therefore an essential component of every valid chart signal.

In addition to comparing price charts of different contract months and time scales, it has been my experience that the accuracy of any technical price forecast can be improved greatly by the application of a principle that I call the “Rule of Multiple Techniques.” The Rule of Multiple Techniques requires that the chart technician not rely solely on one single technical signal or indicator, but look for conformation from other technical indicators. The more technical indicators that confirm each other, the better the chance of an accurate forecast." page 8

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