Saturday, August 29, 2009

What can you earn with trading? starting capital for trading

I prepared two tables to show what can be earned from trading. First table below shows a trading return with %30 (2.5% monthly return of total equity) annul return which is very very good and reasonable. Second table below shows monthly constant net income (after expenses) such as your salary. when you compare starting capital with equal starting income rows you will see that trading will not generate much income.




for more information about this research please contact me from korayguclu [at] gmail [.] com

Friday, August 14, 2009


Human nature always wants more. How do you know when you are rich? How do you determine wealth. Robert K. has a simple answer to this question.

“if you stopped working today, how many days forward could you survive at your current standard of living?”

If you stop working today and can survice 30 years you have 30 years wealth.


1. In the morning ask yourself some questions like "What could go wrong today that I’m not prepared for?" If you come up with some potential problems, then you need to come up with some solutions and rehearse them in your mind.

2. At the end of the day you need to ask yourself, "Did I make any mistakes today?" Where a mistake has to do with not following your rules.) And if you have no rules, then everything you do is a mistake. If no mistakes were made, pat yourself on the back. However, if you did make a mistake, then plan and rehearse how you will avoid that mistake in the future.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

NINJATRADER DEBUGGING with visual studio express edition

Visual Studio Express edition is free but It is not possible to attach to a process in Visual Studio Express edition. But there is a way to debug your ninjatrader scripts with express edition.

thx to this post: and


Open Visual Studio.

Create new console application project  e.g. NinjaTraderDebug.

Save the project and close visual studio.

Go to the project directory and open with notepad the NinjaTraderDebug.csproj.user file.

Edit it to look like this (the bold lines is what I added, of course you need to put your path to NinjaTrader.exe).
<Project xmlns="">
<StartProgram>C:\Programme\NinjaTrader 6.5\bin\NinjaTrader.exe</StartProgram>

Close NinjaTrader if it is opened.

Open the ninjatraderDebug project in VisualStudio.

Hit "Play" (F5), this will launch NinjaTrader and will attach to it.

Now do sections 1 and 3 from here: